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Luxembourg City

In my opinion, you don’t need more than a day in Luxembourg. The front worker at my hotel in Brussels told me that while a lot of people work in Luxembourg, they live in surrounding cities and drive in for the week, driving back home for the weekends. There are some tax breaks in Luxembourg that draw a lot of rich people and big businesses in there. In fact, Luxembourg is considered the wealthiest country in the world.

One thing you should definitely know before you go is that Luxembourg City is incredibly mountainous. My hamstrings were screaming when I went, as the majority of the city (I guess you could call it the downtown region) is on the top of the mountain and the outskirts rest down below. There are very steep paths that allow you to climb from one area to the next, and I made the mistake of venturing downwards during a heatwave. I very quickly regretted that decision.

I’d highly recommend the day trip to Luxembourg mentioned in my itinerary for Belgium (guided tour).