
Currency: US Dollar | Exchange Rate: $10 = USD $10.43 | €10 = ¥1,648.13

Panama City

It’s surprisingly useful to know that they use the American dollar in Panama. I had an extended layover (called a stopover) in Panama City and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. The city easily became one of my favorite travel destinations of all time — it has deep-rooted elements of French, Spanish, and American influence (albeit from colonialism) that are incredible marvels to witness in person and important in shaping Panama’s past and present.

While I wasn’t able to indulge in Panamanian food like I would’ve wanted to, I was still able to see the incredible history that it has to offer. Because I went during a heatwave (ironic, as I also went to Europe during a heatwave later that year), there weren’t as many tourists populating the sites that you would typically deem highly-trafficked like Panama Viejo. My partner and I just strolled on through with almost no other people around us; It was actually quite nice.

While I don’t have an ‘itinerary’ for a single day in Panama, here are some places you should visit!

French Quarters

  • La Calle de los Sombreros

  • France Square

  • el Monumento Canal de Panama

  • el Paseo las Bovedas (plenty of small vendors for artisanal items)

  • Metropolitan Cathedral Basilica of Santa Maria the Ancient

  • Palacios de las Garzas

Panama Viejo

  • Casas Reales

  • Conjunto Monumental de Panamá la Vieja

  • Convento de Santo Domingo

  • Casas Oeste

  • Calle de la Carrera