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Panama City
It’s surprisingly useful to know that they use the American dollar in Panama. I had an extended layover (called a stopover) in Panama City and it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. The city easily became one of my favorite travel destinations of all time — it has deep-rooted elements of French, Spanish, and American influence (albeit from colonialism) that are incredible marvels to witness in person and important in shaping Panama’s past and present.
While I wasn’t able to indulge in Panamanian food like I would’ve wanted to, I was still able to see the incredible history that it has to offer. Because I went during a heatwave (ironic, as I also went to Europe during a heatwave later that year), there weren’t as many tourists populating the sites that you would typically deem highly-trafficked like Panama Viejo. My partner and I just strolled on through with almost no other people around us; It was actually quite nice.
While I don’t have an ‘itinerary’ for a single day in Panama, here are some places you should visit!
French Quarters
La Calle de los Sombreros
France Square
el Monumento Canal de Panama
el Paseo las Bovedas (plenty of small vendors for artisanal items)
Metropolitan Cathedral Basilica of Santa Maria the Ancient
Palacios de las Garzas
Panama Viejo
Casas Reales
Conjunto Monumental de Panamá la Vieja
Convento de Santo Domingo
Casas Oeste
Calle de la Carrera